7. Working Together - What it Might Look Like and Client Testimonials

interior design services podcast episode

Episode 7: Working Together - What it looks like and What to Expect

If you’ve just assumed working with an interior designer is a luxury out of reach, think again! In this episode I share about my interior design services and what working together in different capacities could look like with testimonials from past and current clients!

With buildable design services to deliver on the specific steps of the design project process to best accommodate projects of all sizes, timelines, and budgets.

Tune in and see if working together is right for you!

Show Notes:


  • Today's episode is going to be about what working together can look like.

  • There is a misconception that hiring an interior designer

  • There are a lot of folks I talk to you who have gone along just assuming working with an interior designer isn't accessible to them. Whether they believe it to be out of their budget, are cautious having never worked with an interior designer before, or have worked with an interior designer and had a negative experience or outcome.

  • Because I offer a range of services and work on a variety of pro

  • I intentionally set up my business model to be aligned with my values and goals which looks a lot different than the traditional business models a lot of interior designers operate in.

What is different about Sukkha Interior Design-

-No mark ups- transparency - free agent to source inventory that is available- no benefits to pushing expensive pieces or vendors

-Flat rate design fees - value based pricing based on the outcome delivered

-No surprises - total transparency - if shit goes wrong you don't have to worry about paying more for new plans or redesign

-Unlimited revisions - Clients should be happy with the designs before approving- whether that takes 3 revisions or 30. *Time limit but extremely accommodating and to keep project on schedule

-attention to the process of helping you discover your unique style

-incredibly personalized even remote


  • project vision/ actionable steps to achieve goals

  • interior design consulting, sourcing, and advisement where and when you need!

  • design plans/ 2D 3D floor plans shop lists

  • project management (purchasing/receiving), installation and staging

  • my areas of expertise:

  1. high touch service

  2. residential interior design

  3. small spaces/tiny houses

  4. Airbnbs/vacation rental interior design

  5. sustainable solutions

who do I work with

  • people who are open to guidance and advice

  • people believe in the power of space

  • people willing to invest in an expert- when it comes to interior designers you get what you pay for.

  • people who are looking to turn an overwhelming stressful situation into a fun and flowing project

  • people who are budget conscious but willing to invest in quality



  • collect project fundamentals

  • timeline

  • budget

  • design goals

  • clarify desired outcomes

  • general ideas, suggestions and recommendations

    Step 2 Conceptual Design

  • establish design direction

  • moodboards

  • FS start contractor bids

  • determine materials, finishes, color palettes

    Step 3 Design Plan

  • design documents

  • floor plans

  • elevations

  • 3D renders

  • product procurement

  • furniture boards

  • unlimited revisions

    Step 4 Project Management

  • order placement

  • order tracking

  • receiving

  • project management

  • delivery coordination

  • coordination with contractors/GC

  • FS schedule contractor

    Step 5 Installation

  • coordination with delivery/install team.

  • assembly and installation of new furniture + decor

  • staging

  • photography


  • Enjoy your dream space!


DPJ - Design Project Jumpstart

- virtual

- right for everyone with any type of design project, any level of assistance needed, desire to improve space.

-DPJ Step 1 of the design process

>Great as a solo service: right for those who need guidance, vision, expertise/ looking to update over time/ small budget

>Get to know each other before working together in a further capacity

Design Project Jumpstart what is it

  • 75 min virtual consultation - tour your space, hear your ideas, concerns, pain points, wish

  • collect project fundamentals

  • timeline

  • budget

  • design goals

  • clarify desired outcomes

  • general ideas, suggestions and recommendations

  • follow up Design Proposal document with concept boards for each space


    “Sarah is absolutely wonderful! Her ideas and design techniques are exceptional . She immediately keyed into my needs and wants for my home improvement project . She was genuine , caring , down to earth and very personable . I highly recommend her service !”
    This client actually found me on a Travel Trailer Renovation Facebook Group and originally booked a Design Project Jumpstart for her RV and about a week before our call asked if we could do her house instead bc she wasn’t pleased with the current status. She was working with a smaller budget so she is using the Design Project Plan from the Jumpstart to update space by space as she is able. She is such a sweet lady and we still randomly chat via the Pinterest Board from our call :)

    Design Plan -

- virtual/ (Full Service same process includes an onsite visit around the middle of Step 2 and 3)

- right for those who want 2d floor plans, 3D visualizations, sourcing, shop lists, and installation guides to order and install on their own.

  • Step 2 and Step 3

  • establish design direction

  • moodboards

  • FS Site Visit

  • FS start contractor bids

  • determine materials, finishes, color palettes

  • design documents

  • floor plans

  • elevations

  • 3D renders

  • product procurement >shop lists

  • furniture boards

  • unlimited revisions

  • Once approved Design Docs with Shop list for you to order and install.


“It was our pleasure to work with Sarah from Sukkha Interior Design! She helped us figure out decor for multiple rooms in our house. Sarah was very responsive to our needs and really took our feedback on her initial design proposal into account when designing the final proposal. I also appreciated her years of expertise and candor when advising us on what may or may not fit best for our space. I would definitely work with Sarah again and highly recommend her!”

I loved working with this client. Sidenote she had a toddler at the time we met who is still one of the cutest kids I’ve ever seen! I think of her everytime I think of this project…
We worked together on a design plan together for the main floor of her home (dining room living room and kitchen) - they had a few pieces of furniture we worked into the design plan and then added furniture, updated light fixtures, artwork. and other decorative objects her and her husband to order implement. It was a joy helping them bring their home to life.

Full Service Interior Design

Virtual + onsite

- right for those who want minimal responsibility / involvement -looking for a designer and project management - turn key services. Those who want an HGTV big reveal.

Step 4 and Step 5 of Design Project Process

  • order placement

  • order tracking

  • receiving

  • project management

  • delivery coordination

  • coordination with contractors/GC

  • coordination with delivery/install team.

  • FS Site Visit

  • assembly and installation of new furniture + decor

  • staging

  • photography


  • Enjoy your dream space!

**l only take a few full service projects a year and recommend services based on the client's needs and wants and abilities.

I often have resources or suggestions for those who aren't ready or if their project fits outside of my scope.
”We partnered with Sarah Bronstein to redesign our home on the Oregon coast. We found her to be warm, personable and responsive. She asked probing questions and listened carefully to gauge our aesthetic and desire for the refurbishing of the home, then sent numerous suggestions by way of design boards. We were quite pleased with her suggestions and adopted most of them with few alterations. Her enthusiasm for design and her commitment to make our home a unique and beautiful space assured us we were dealing with a real creative pro. We would recommend Sarah to anyone looking for assistance in the design of their living space.”

I fell in love with this couple- they were so fun and just a joy to go through the design process with (Full service projects average 4-6 months so that’s important and part of why everyone starts with a DPJ:)

They bought this AMAZING 70’s house on the Oregon Coast to use a vacation rental but mainly to have a special place to congregate with their kids and grandkids. This house has so much character- like a sunken living room surrounded by built in shelf walls… And a panoramic deck with views of the ocean. This house was a serious reno- new flooring, updated kitchen and bathrooms, new light fixtures, paint the whole nine. I sourced all of the furniture and decor and managed the installation team to get everything set up. It came out fantastic and is one of the few houses I actually dream about one day owning myself. Literal dream home


- virtual

-Hourly package to use as needed

- not listed on website only offered if determined to be the right fit


I’ve been working with client for over a year and never set foot in her space… he was initially concerned about working with a designer virtually but she decided to do a Design Project Jumpstart and was so happy with the value and experience that we’ve been working together ever since.

Sarah’s vision is incredible. She has helped us design our whole house through video calls. We love her laidback vibe but excellent sense of who we are and such cool ideas.” This client is a dream. When we met her and her husband bought a stunning new build in Portland Oregon and were having a hard time arranging their current furnishings and decor in the new space and needed help bringing things together and primarily sourcing for product holes. The best service for their needs after the Design Project Jumpstart was an Hourly Package - she makes a list of things they are wanting to tackle and we schedule a video consultation to run through it together- I take notes and put together a source list for her to approve before we sign off. Then over the next week or two I put together a spreadsheet for the source list with links for options for each item. If they need replacements or have questions we address it but usually they order over the next few months and once she is ready to tackle another we space we repeat! We’ve been working together for over a year now and I literally get so excited everytime I see an email come in that she’s ready with a new list! So fun.. I love them and seeing their home come together.


I hope this explains a bit more about my company and what working with me could look like as well as the types of results I get my clients.

those of you who have been straddling the fence- waiting to pull the trigger on taking action to upgrade your home or a space within it consider what is really holding you back…


  • design process visual

  • services link






8. The 5 Most Common Interior Design Mistakes (and How to Avoid Them!)


6. My Favorite Interior Design Tips for a More Profitable Airbnb