Interior Design Tips for Tiny Homes + Small Spaces


Today we are covering a subject we talk about all the time but since it's really the reason we are all here and whole purpose of this podcast I wanted to put out a post dedicated to breaking down the simple interior design tips for tiny houses and small spaces. This is going to be relevant for those of y'all living in small houses or apartments or studios and especially for anyone in an RV travel trailer Skoolie van etc. So let's get into it!

Living in a small space or a tiny home can be a unique and rewarding experience. It's all about making the most of what you have, and that doesn't mean you have to sacrifice style or comfort. In fact, with some clever interior design tips, you can transform your compact living area into a chic and cozy haven that reflects your personal taste.

Interior design plays a crucial role in maximizing small spaces. The right design elements can make a room feel larger, more open, and more inviting. Whether you're dealing with a tiny apartment or a compact house, there are plenty of ways to create a stylish and comfortable environment. Let's explore some interior design tips that can help you optimize your small space.

1. Use Light Colors

Paint is a very powerful way to transform any space- especially small ones! Light colors can make a room feel larger and more open. When you use shades like whites, pastels, or neutrals, they act as mirrors for light, reflecting it rather than soaking it up. This reflection creates an illusion of brightness that can make any space feel more welcoming and vibrant.

Moreover, light colors possess another interesting characteristic - they visually recede. This means that when you look at them, they seem to move away from you, creating a sense of depth. This optical illusion makes the room appear larger than it actually is. It's almost as if the walls are stretching outwards, giving you more room to breathe and move around.

So, if you're dealing with a small space and want to make it feel bigger, light colors are your best bet. They not only brighten up the room but also create an illusion of expansiveness. By choosing light colors, you're essentially tricking the eye into seeing a larger, brighter, and more open space. It's a simple yet effective way to maximize the potential of any room, regardless of its actual size.

2. Opt for Multi-Functional Furniture

When space is at a premium, multi-functional furniture is a must.

This unique type of furniture serves multiple purposes, making it an intelligent and efficient choice for compact areas. Consider a coffee table that also offers storage options, or a sofa that can easily transform into a bed. There's even the option of a table that can be expanded when additional surface area is needed. These versatile pieces are not just furniture, but clever solutions to make the most out of every square foot.

Multi-functional furniture doesn't just save space, it also helps reduce clutter. With fewer items required to fill a room, there's less potential for mess and disorganization. Imagine having a single piece of furniture that serves the purpose of three or four separate items. The result is a cleaner, more organized space that feels larger and more open. It's like having your own personal magic trick to create extra room out of thin air!

For anyone looking to maximize their space - whether it's a whole house, a single room, or even a closet - multi-functional furniture should be at the top of their consideration list. It's not just about saving space, but also about creating a more functional and comfortable living environment. So next time you're faced with a small space challenge, remember: multi-functional furniture isn't just an option, it's a must!

3. Utilize Vertical Space

Utilizing vertical space in a tiny house is a smart move for several reasons. First, it helps to maximize the available area, making the home feel larger and more spacious. Second, it provides additional storage options, which are often limited in smaller homes.

There are many creative ways to use vertical space. One idea is to install shelves or cabinets up high on the walls. This can be a great place to store books, dishes, or other items.

Another option is to use a loft bed, which frees up floor space underneath for a desk or seating area. Hanging pots and pans from the ceiling in the kitchen is another way to save cabinet space.

Lastly, consider using wall-mounted fold-down tables or desks that can be tucked away when not in use.

These strategies can help make a tiny house or small space feel much bigger and more functional.

4. Use Mirrors

Mirrors can create the illusion of a larger space. Place a large mirror opposite a window to reflect natural light and make your room feel bigger and brighter. Decorating a tiny house with mirrors is a smart idea for several reasons. First, mirrors can make any space seem larger. They reflect light and the room's interior, creating an illusion of depth and space.

Second, mirrors add a touch of elegance and style. With various shapes, sizes, and frames available, they can match any home decor themes. Third, mirrors are functional. They can be used for personal grooming or checking one's appearance before leaving the house. Lastly, mirrors can also hide imperfections on walls or cover up storage spaces. So, for those looking to enhance their tiny house, mirrors offer a practical and stylish solution.

5. Choose the Right Lighting

Proper lighting plays a pivotal role in tiny houses for a variety of reasons. One of the main benefits is that it can make the space seem larger and more welcoming. This optical illusion is achieved by strategically placing lights to brighten up corners and illuminate the entire area. The right kind of lighting can also set different moods or atmospheres, which can be adjusted according to the time of day or the activity happening within the space.

Types of Lighting: Ambient, Task, and Accent

To achieve these goals, a combination of ambient, task, and accent lighting is recommended.

  1. Ambient lighting serves as the primary source of light, providing general illumination that makes the space safe and comfortable. It's like the sun for your tiny house, bathing the whole area in light.

  1. Task lighting is more focused, directing light where it's most needed. For instance, over a kitchen counter for cooking or a reading nook for a cozy evening with a book.

  1. Accent lighting is used to highlight specific areas or objects, adding depth and interest to the space. It's like putting a spotlight on a piece of art or a unique architectural feature. By carefully planning and combining these types of lighting, one can maximize both the functionality and aesthetic appeal of their tiny house.

Lighting isn't just about visibility—it's an essential tool for enhancing the living experience in a tiny house.

6. Keep It Simple

white chair

When it comes to designing a tiny house, simplicity is key. This approach helps prevent the space from feeling overcrowded, a common issue in smaller living areas. If there are too many items or furniture pieces that are too large, the area can quickly become uncomfortable and feel cramped. Therefore, it's important to be mindful of the size and number of items you bring into your tiny home.

A minimalist design approach can greatly enhance the feel of your tiny house. By choosing only essential items and furniture that fits well within the space, you create an environment that feels open and uncluttered. This doesn't mean you have to sacrifice style or comfort, but rather carefully select items that serve a purpose and fit well within the space.

The benefits of a simple and minimalist interior design extend beyond aesthetics. Not only does this make the tiny house more comfortable to live in, but it also gives the illusion of more space. So, by keeping things simple and minimalistic, one can truly maximize their tiny living space. This approach allows you to fully enjoy your home without feeling overwhelmed by clutter or confined by lack of space.

7. Add Personal Touches

Even though your space is small, it's still important to make it feel like home.

Personalizing the interior design of a tiny house is crucial. It's not just about making the space look good, but also about ensuring it reflects the owner's personality and lifestyle. This can make living in a small space feel more comfortable and enjoyable.

Maybe it's integrating materials like reclaimed wood or fabric from a family member or friend . If someone loves reading, maybe they create a cozy reading nook with built-in book shelves. If cooking is their passion, they might prioritize having a well-equipped kitchen over a larger living area..

In my tiny home the front space is set up like a home office/living room because I spend the majority of time working on my designs and businesses from there. But someone retired would probably want to allocate that space very differently.

Remember, the goal is to create a space that feels comfortable and functional for you - try not to get caught up in what the trends are or what someone else is doing. Dig deep into what your special needs and tastes are - with these tips, you can maximize your small space and create a home that's stylish, cozy, and uniquely yours.


Designing for tiny houses and small spaces doesn't have to be a daunting task. With the right design solutions, these spaces can be transformed into cozy, functional, and stylish homes without sacrificing any functionality or style.

Remember to prioritize functionality, use multi-purpose furniture, and maximize natural light. Don't shy away from bold colors or patterns; they can add depth and character to your space. Lastly, keep it simple and declutter regularly. I hope this was helpful and you found something to take away and take into your own home!


If you are looking to transform your space or just want to say hi, I'd love to connect! You can reach out through the link below or reach me directly at


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